Artists of New York's Capital District and Beyond
Now Celebrating 50 Years!
Est. 1974

The Colonie Art League hosts three major shows each year:
The Holiday Show is held in December at The William K Sanford Library in Colonie. This is the largest event of the year for the league. All members are encouraged to participate. There are many cash prizes awarded at the Reception, which is open to the public. The work is displayed throughout the month of December. It is a very festive time! Members who take part in the show are also invited to submit two small works for the “Small Works Sale”. These pieces are hung in the highly visible area near the main entrance of the library.
The Pruyn House Show is held in April. This is a juried show. Once the judge makes their selection, the pieces are hung throughout the Pruyn House Mansion. The Mansion, the art and the beginning of Spring combine to make a beautiful afternoon for the reception. Cash prizes are awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. The art hangs for the month of April.
Our Summer Show is held in the beautiful Helderberg meeting room of the Guilderland Library. This juried show is exhibited during the month of August. Cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners are given during an evening reception. Other awards include Members Choice and Honorable Mentions.
All shows offer the artists the opportunity to sell their work, if they wish. Whether you are new to the League or a seasoned member, the shows are a great way to get your work into the public’s view.
Click color below to be taken to the Colonie Art League Shows that year.